
New to Pole Line Road Baptist Church?

We want you to feel welcomed and like family. This information will help you know what’s happening during our services.

Our worship

Our worship time is 10:30 a.m. consisting of a combination of choruses and hymns. We are informal; you’ll see people in shorts and t-shirts and people in dresses and suits.

“Family room”

Across the hall behind the sanctuary in Room #7, the worship service can be watched on a TV. This room is designed for parents who have small children who may need to move around a bit or children who have become fussy. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. We ask that if you are sick, that you not enter the “family room”.


If your young child needs to go to the bathroom during the worship service, for safety reasons, we ask that you accompany them. An usher can point you in the right direction.

“Connection Slip”

Inserted in the “worship guide” {bulletin} you will find a small piece of paper asking for your name and other information. We call this our “connection slip”. Please use the back to write any questions or notes to our staff, sign up for any of our ministries, and list any prayer requests you may have for our prayer ministry team. Then place this connection slip in the offering box in the back of the sanctuary.


We give joyfully because we love God and want to be part of what He is doing through our church to minister in Davis and around the world. As a guest, we want you to know you are welcome to participate in the offering, but we don’t expect you to place anything in the offering box other than your connection slip. Posted in the breezeway is a detailed budget showing how our offerings are used.

Lord’s Supper/ Communion

Our Lord told us to do this in remembrance of His sacrifice for our redemption. Our church welcomes any believer in Christ to join us in this special worship time if your faith tradition allows you to join us. If you are unfamiliar with the Lord’s Supper, please ask a church staff member or a deacon and they will be happy to explain this practice to you.


Although not required for salvation, baptism follows Christ’s example and command as an act of obedience and identification as a follower of Christ. It is for those individuals who have made a personal decision to follow Christ; thus it is called “believer’s baptism”. We practice total immersion because this is what the word “baptism” means, it was how Jesus was baptized, it best symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection, and it was the practice of the early church. If you have any questions about baptism or want to be baptized, please speak to a staff member or a deacon.