PREV | October 2023 | NEXT |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
1 (10:30am) Sunday Se...Sunday Service 10:30am Oct 1
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor Pat will bring the message "JESUS: Not Just Another Pretty Face", Philippians 2:1-11
sermon (11:00am) Youth Wor...Youth Worship Service 11:00am Oct 1
Youth in 6th to 12th grades, please join us for a weekly service on Sunday's starting at 11:00 a.m., there will be food, games, and a Bible message. The Youth are temporarily meeting at 607 Pena, Suite 200. You can drop them off at 10:45 and pick them up after our service is over.
youth | 2 | 3 | 4 (12:00pm) Grace in ...Grace in Action 12:00pm Oct 4
Grace In Action serves lunch for Homeless Guests.
( 5:00pm) Prayer Me...Prayer Meeting 5:00pm Oct 4
Join us at 5:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room to pray for our Church & Pastor needs, as well as other needs.
college Men Women | 5 ( 9:00am) Food ClosetFood Closet 9:00am Oct 5 - 11:00am Oct 5
Our Food Closet is open. Please bring ID to show that you live in Davis. You may access the food closet once a month.
Food Closet | 6 | 7 |
8 (10:30am) Sunday Se...Sunday Service 10:30am Oct 8
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor Pat will bring the message "What to Do When It's My Turn", Philippians 2:12-18 Lord's Supper Service
sermon (11:00am) Youth Wor...Youth Worship Service 11:00am Oct 8
Youth in 6th to 12th grades, please join us for a weekly service on Sunday's starting at 11:00 a.m., there will be food, games, and a Bible message. The Youth are temporarily meeting at 607 Pena, Suite 200. You can drop them off at 10:45 and pick them up after our service is over.
youth (11:45am) Senior Ad...Senior Adults Outing 11:45am Oct 8
The Senior Adults will have lunch together after the Worship Service then attend the Woodland Opera House production of "The Addams Family".
Senior Adults | 9 | 10 | 11 (12:00pm) Grace in ...Grace in Action 12:00pm Oct 11
Grace In Action serves lunch for Homeless Guests.
( 5:00pm) Prayer Me...Prayer Meeting 5:00pm Oct 11
Join us at 5:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room to pray for our Church & Pastor needs, as well as other needs.
college Men Women | 12 ( 9:00am) Food ClosetFood Closet 9:00am Oct 12 - 11:00am Oct 12
Our Food Closet is open. Please bring ID to show that you live in Davis. You may access the food closet once a month.
Food Closet (11:00am) Youth Wor...Youth Worship Service 11:00am Oct 12 - 12:00pm Oct 2
Youth in 6th to 12th grades, please join us for a weekly service on Sunday's starting at 11:00 a.m., there will be food, games, and a Bible message. The Youth are temporarily meeting at 607 Pena, Suite 200. You can drop them off at 10:45 and pick them up after our service is over.
youth | 13 | 14 |
15 (10:30am) Sunday Se...Sunday Service 10:30am Oct 15
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor Pat will bring the message "People with Purpose", Philippians 2:19-30
sermon (11:00am) Youth Wor...Youth Worship Service 11:00am Oct 15
Youth in 6th to 12th grades, please join us for a weekly service on Sunday's starting at 11:00 a.m., there will be food, games, and a Bible message. The Youth are temporarily meeting at 607 Pena, Suite 200. You can drop them off at 10:45 and pick them up after our service is over.
youth | 16 | 17 | 18 (12:00pm) Grace in ...Grace in Action 12:00pm Oct 18
Grace In Action serves lunch for Homeless Guests.
( 5:00pm) Prayer Me...Prayer Meeting 5:00pm Oct 18
Join us at 5:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room to pray for our Church & Pastor needs, as well as other needs.
college Men Women | 19 ( 9:00am) Food ClosetFood Closet 9:00am Oct 19 - 11:00am Oct 19
Our Food Closet is open. Please bring ID to show that you live in Davis. You may access the food closet once a month.
Food Closet | 20 | 21 |
22 (10:30am) Sunday Se...Sunday Service 10:30am Oct 22
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor Pat will bring the message "Gains and Losses", Philippians 3:1-14
sermon (11:00am) Youth Wor...Youth Worship Service 11:00am Oct 22
Youth in 6th to 12th grades, please join us for a weekly service on Sunday's starting at 11:00 a.m., there will be food, games, and a Bible message. The Youth are temporarily meeting at 607 Pena, Suite 200. You can drop them off at 10:45 and pick them up after our service is over.
youth | 23 | 24 | 25 (12:00pm) Grace in ...Grace in Action 12:00pm Oct 25
Grace In Action serves lunch for Homeless Guests.
( 5:00pm) Prayer Me...Prayer Meeting 5:00pm Oct 25
Join us at 5:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room to pray for our Church & Pastor needs, as well as other needs.
college Men Women | 26 ( 9:00am) Food ClosetFood Closet 9:00am Oct 26 - 11:00am Oct 26
Our Food Closet is open. Please bring ID to show that you live in Davis. You may access the food closet once a month.
Food Closet (12:00pm) Senior Ad...Senior Adults Lunch 12:00pm Oct 26
Don't sit alone at home, come at 12:00 to enjoy lunch with your fellow "seasoned" church family. Food is provided, bring your own beverage. Cash or check donations to help pay for the food will be accepted at the luncheon.
| 27 | 28 |
29 (10:30am) Sunday Se...Sunday Service 10:30am Oct 29
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m., Pastor Pat will bring the message: "Strategies for Growth", Philippians 3:15-4:1
sermon (11:00am) Youth Wor...Youth Worship Service 11:00am Oct 29
Youth in 6th to 12th grades, please join us for a weekly service on Sunday's starting at 11:00 a.m., there will be food, games, and a Bible message. The Youth are temporarily meeting at 607 Pena, Suite 200. You can drop them off at 10:45 and pick them up after our service is over.
youth | 30 | 31 | | | | |